Whitegates Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

30th May 2017
After thinking about it for a while I've decided to give a negative review. I don't like doing that sort of thing usually as I know that even the best companies can have off days. However this was more than just one off day or a blip. I was treated so badly by the people this company employ, rude, ignorant and dismissive of anything I had to say. I could've looked past all that if the service had been up to scratch but it was anything but. Poor quality and in some cases deliberate misleading of what they had and hadn't carried out. Whilst I hate speaking badly about anyone, I would hate it even more if someone else wasted their money on this and I could've stopped it.

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2 St Stephens Court St Stephens Road Bournemouth England BH2 6LA , Bournemouth, BH2 6LA


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Whitegates is ranked 19 out of 29 in the category

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