Fromex True Black & White Reviews

Fromex True Black & White
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

10th May 2017
I have a difficult time seeing why customers are treated like an imposition or worse. I had my daughter with me one day as I was contracting with a service I needed the next day. The personnel made a fuss over my daughter, giving her lollies and telling her how pretty she was. When they got to me, however, it was like I was asking too much in order to contract the service. As negotiations continued, the treatment got worse. I finally gave up and walked out. I refuse to be treated like dirt when I sign their pay cheque, so to speak. Don’t use this service.

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Fromex True Black & White

Fromex offers B&W Film Processing and True Black & White Prints on real Ilford B&W photographic paper from both digital files and 35mm or 120 B&W film.

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2699 E. 28th Street, Unit 405, Signal Hill, CA 90755-2270, Signal Hill, CA, 90755-2270


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Fromex True Black & White is ranked 24 out of 27 in the category

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