The Natural Sapphire Company Reviews

The Natural Sapphire Company
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3 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

24th Jun 2019
Since high school, I had dreamed of buying these earrings, and I finally could afford to, and I am so happy, wish I could have had it years ago.
24th Jun 2019
I cannot express how happy I am with the product I received from this company. I used them a long time ago and what a great job they did, so happy to purchase from them again.
5th May 2017
This item is not fit for purpose. When I unpacked the box, the product fell out and immediately shattered on the ground. I immediately phoned the company, but was met with a representative who informed there was nothing they could do about the matter. I was completely disenchanted with the customer service and the product and I will never in my life shop with this company again. You should do the same if you want products of any worth!

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The Natural Sapphire Company

The authority in sapphire engagement rings, untreated natural sapphires and sapphire jewelry since 1939. We have the largest collection of sapphires found online.

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The Natural Sapphire Company is ranked 36 out of 83 in the category

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