Precision Realty & Management, LLC Reviews

Precision Realty & Management, LLC
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

12th Sep 2024
Not to be used if you are a property owner. They failed to properly vet new tenants costing me over 20,000 and 2 properties I entrusted them with. They have conducted overpriced unnecessary work on my homes. SHAME ON THEM FOR TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME LIVING OUT OF STATE. Shame on me for trusting them after the first property was not managed correctly. DO NOT USE.
18th Sep 2018
Precision Realty & Management, LLC is committed to serve Houston property management services to the people living in Houston and surrounding suburbs. Visit us at for more details!

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Precision Realty & Management, LLC

We've been family owned and operated since 1989, and are a top property management company in the Houston area. Call (281) 866-7400 now!

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281 866 7400

We live here

13810 Champion Forest Drive Suite 220 Houston, Texas 77069, Houston, 77069


United States


Precision Realty & Management, LLC is ranked 51 out of 71 in the category

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