MiniTool Software Reviews

MiniTool Software
from 0 to 10
1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

31st May 2017
Well, this is a first. I used an online service, thinking the cheap price was the best I’d find. Woe to me when I found myself charged twice the amount on the web page. I asked why. That was the old charge, I was told. You should change it, I replied. We will, they said. Meantime, I want my money back. No can do, they said. No? We’ll see about that. The service is now in trouble with everyone I could think of who governs that type of thing, so for goodness’ sake, stay away from them.

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MiniTool Software

Minitool Software offers free partition wizard, power data recovery tool, free photo recovery software, and other free software to help users solve data storage problems.

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Suite 1500 – 701, West Georgia Street; Vancouver, British Columbia, V7Y 1C6, Vancouver, British Columbia, V7Y 1C6




MiniTool Software is ranked 112 out of 149 in the category Computer Accessories

MiniTool Software is ranked 70 out of 97 in the category

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