LPAB (Legal Profession Admission Board) Reviews

LPAB (Legal Profession Admission Board)
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

5th Nov 2020
I was a student of the (LPAB) Diploma in Law Course. I wasted over $17,000 thousand dollars on this worthless unaccredited course (Diploma is NOT an AQF Level 7 accredited course), which means universities will not give advanced standing accreditation for LPAB subjects. Your better off doing a degree at a university. I have personally seen photocopied past exam papers for open book exams, students were allowed to carry past exam papers with answer sheets into the exam room to copy answers, and it was not considered cheating in presence of an examination hall monitor. I was ignored by the administration when I blew the whistle on this practice. Most of the lecturers are rude, some arrive late and leave early. There are no mentoring or internship programs. Due to the poor quality in teaching, most students download random notes on Facebook and other sites, read nutshell books instead of textbooks in preparation for exams. The LPAB Diploma in Law Course uses the University of Sydney logo as a marketing tool, but you are NOT A SYDNEY UNIVERSITY STUDENT. They also do not wear graduation gowns which is insulting to the student body. The level of sabotage and intimidation and attempts to coverup rather than adopt professionalism and accountability is concerning. The level of stress caused my hair to fall out which required 1 year of treatment and they also could care less that I also had 3 funerals. This is the way they treat whistle-blowers for exposing the ugly truth. Students expressed their frustration on noticeboards and I couldn't agree more. The LPAB falsely claim that they offer an alternative path to studying law that would have otherwise been impossible. This is FALSE. The UWS (Non-Graduate) B.Laws Degree has the exact same entry criteria (but still does NOT ACCREDIT LPAB UNITS!). The LPAB is not a university, it is not a college, it is not a learning institution. Its just a subsidiary agency of the the Department of Justice NSW. I was only 1 and half years away from graduation and I still had at least another 3 years to complete!. They evoked a stale clause when their actual Handbook clearly stated there was no actual timeframe in place of completion and I was shocked to discover after a Freedom of Information to learn that my exam answer booklet coincided with the exam answer sheet!. The Board responded by removing all exam papers in circulation. Sweeping the dirt under the rug. I pointed this out, but it was ignored. Study hard and speak the truth, you'll be sabotaged. They couldn't expel me, so they asked me to study elsewhere, only to learn that Executive Officer [name removed] was blacklisting me in every law school behind my back which is in of itself harassment. He breached the by-laws by sending back my exam paper to be remarked by the same examiner who was being investigated for allegations of bias, which was a direct breach of a 'avoiding a conflict of interest whether actual or perceived'. I pointed out the by-law to [name removed] and the evidence of his own emails in investigating the examiner for bias, he ignored it and then went into a panic and directed all administrative staff to direct all communication to him only to cover up his breach. Don't waste your time or money on this worthless course that is poorly managed, poorly accredited and poorly ranked. Below are some of the student protest posters posted on notice boards. I couldn't agree more.
30th May 2017
Not recommended to anyone seriously thinking about studying law. The students tend to rely on nutshell textbooks and because the exams are closed book most of the detailed context of the subject course outline has been removed. The only unified piece of material information given to students is the individual Course Subject Guides which can be downloaded for free. The material provided to students is getting smaller and smaller..starting to look like a comic book. Don't waste your money on this course.
25th May 2017
lpab just cares about making money. You never hear from the Board Members and they have no guest speakers and the lpab doesnt even allow their own students to wear the ceremonial graduation gowns at their own graduation ceremony even though it takes place in the Great Hall at the University of Sydney!. Oh, and by the way..the LPAB has NOTHING to do with the University of Sydney even though the LPAB pretends as if it does when they flash the Sydney University logo on all their publications to sucker people into the worthless course. The LPAB also claim that they offer an alternative path to practice law where it would have otherwise been impossible..that's a LIE..just look at Western Sydney University Non-Graduate B.Laws Degree and Notre Dame University..and by the way, doing the Diploma Course with the LPAB does NOT GUARANTEE you entry into the legal profession. I give this course a 0 rating. thanks for sharing the truth, keep it real!
25th May 2017
very poor quality in service and very unprofessional. The Diploma Course is not recommended. Don't waste your money on it because its not accredited at other universities in relation to undergrad courses. Many legal practitioners and Universities do not respect the Diploma Course. Under Rule 67 of the Admission Board Rules a Student-at-Law could be made to resit some or all of their previously passed exams. There are no tutorials, no mentoring programs The same people chair various internal review Committees with the Executive Officer as the secretariat on each level (creates prejudicial unfairness because there is NO independent review). As if those people are going to correct themselves?. Fees are non-refundable. No HECS Bully style environment. The administration 'silences' any criticism with threats and intimidation. Some lecturers provide no materials (no powerpoints, notes, slides) and some dont want to answer questions during lectures! and some cant even be bothered to stick around for more than 2 hours when their paid to turn up just once a week for a 3 hour lecture. Sorry to say it..its dangerous, reckless and irresponsible for the LPAB to be running a course with such poor ethical, professional and educational standards. Both clients and law firms deserve better...and this needed to come out. Hope this has been helpful, Anonymous

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LPAB (Legal Profession Admission Board)

The LPAB is a self-funding body, created by legislation, responsible for making rules for, and approving, the admission of lawyers and appointment as a public notary. The Board also registers Students-at-Law who on passing the Board's exams receive

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