KISA Phone Reviews

KISA Phone
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

30th May 2017
I was promised first class service and what I got was a first class pain in the neck. I booked it, paid for it and from that second on they attempted to bully me into adding on extra services and extra money. I 'needed' this and I would really 'benefit' from that. No chance, I paid for what I wanted now provide the service that was initially promised. Compete joke! Nothing but bullies and charlatans. -

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KISA Phone

KISA phone is the ultimate easy to use mobile phone for elderly and disabled population of Australia as well as children! KISA is the world's simplest to use phone.

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1300 557 453

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PO Box 331, Moorabbin, Victoria, 3189, Australia, Victoria, 3189




KISA Phone is ranked 2 out of 14 in the category Cellular Network Provider

KISA Phone is ranked 8 out of 24 in the category

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