Jules B Reviews

Jules B
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4 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

17th Jan 2022
They made a mistake with the VAT and I had to pay an extra 120 pounds for a coat! When I called they refused to even try to help, despite this being a simple thing to fix. I absolutely do not recommend using Jules B - they have been rude, uncooperative and have cost me a lot of money unnecessarily. They even had the cheek to suggest it was my fault for not using their French website!?! Terrible service and borderline criminal.
23rd May 2019
These guys have all of the bases covered for half the cost of some of the other larger companies. They actually care about their customers. Give them a ring, you will never look back.
23rd May 2019
The service that this company offers is miles above any I’ve used. Low rates, for quality work. I am surprised any of the others are still in business.
23rd May 2019
I feel like if you really want good business you would treat your customers with more respect.

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Jules B is ranked 24 out of 42 in the category

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