iFrogTees Reviews

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3 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

6th Jun 2019
This service took the cake--and not in a good way. After I waited for a very long time to have my order submitted the customer service was rude. The products were good but I'm not going back.
6th Jun 2019
They couldn't be bothered to send me my order on time, which made me late on some crucial matters. When I called to ask him to deliver, he said he was too busy, despite his promise that I was on the top of his list. When I explained that I was on a deadline, he bluntly stated he would only get to it when he had time. The others in the firm aren't much better, so I am taking my business elsewhere.
6th Jun 2019
Most companies brag about how they have the best customer service and yet when it is time for you to get that service, it is a huge mess. For this business, it is different the customer support is wonderful and kind.

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iFrogTees is ranked 27 out of 39 in the category

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