Great Lakes Van Lines Reviews

Great Lakes Van Lines
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

7th Nov 2018
This company delivered our furniture and household items with so many damaged boxes and furniture. Double strength boxes with extra padding and bubble wrapped each item +moving paper still had so many broken things in them. Immediately jacked the price up $4500.00 more Showed up in 2 “Budget” rental trucks and delivered our stuff in 2 “Budget” rental trucks even though they told my husband they had their own trucks.. Have a call in about the damage but got a voicemail. My husband could never reach the guy who helped set up the move once the move was in progress.

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Great Lakes Van Lines

Great Lakes Van Lines - Long Distance Movers - Reliable & Professional - fully bonded, insured and licensed movers. We offer affordable rates - Call Now

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1333 West Devon AvenueUnit 277Chicago, IL 60660


Great Lakes Van Lines is ranked 45 out of 45 in the category

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