Fragrance Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

24th Jun 2019
Items marked "fragile-handle with care" constantly arrive broken and leaking whenever I order from this company. It's taken me months and months to finally receive the items I ordered in good condition.
24th Jun 2019
I purchased the product a month ago, and it is not only reliable and durable but affordable as well. I will be purchasing only from this company from now on.
18th May 2017
So when the word respectful is used to describe your company that is what your clients expect. Well let me tell you that your employees are far from being considered respectful. You do not under no circumstances blame a customer for something that you did wrong. You do not give out client information to other companies. I will not be used for money anymore by this company. I hope no other hardworking people have to go through your abuse either.

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900 Grand Blvd. Deer Park, Babylon NY 11729 , Deer Park, Babylon NY, 11729


United States


Fragrance is ranked 7 out of 20 in the category Fragrances

Fragrance is ranked 19 out of 34 in the category

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