Cell Unlocker Reviews

Cell Unlocker
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

14th Nov 2018
Be warned All the cellunlockers and Iphone etc are all the same rip off con merchants They take your mi eye on 2 tranches and have no Intention what so ever of even trying to activate a locked I cloud. They pretend it is on the list or stolen blacklist (which mine is definitely NOT) and have since had it proven. They then try and black mail the customer by refusing to pay back a cent saying they are hire than they and can not deal with stolen good ? Oh yeah they are happy to steal and steal from all the thousands of mugs that sign into their fraudulent websites which are all connected. They don't read emails and in the end don’t answer at all. To begin with they send out standard responses having never read the query BE WARNED. TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. I shall take this further and report them all to fraud squad and try and recover the mo way from my Visa card. DONT BE THE FOOL I WAS

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Cell Unlocker is ranked 5 out of 6 in the category

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