Cambridge Exteriors Reviews

Cambridge Exteriors
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

30th May 2017
This whole fiasco has been a nightmare from start to finish. As soon as the service was arranged the way I was dealt with went from courteous and professional to completely down right rude. It was like they couldn't care less about what I had to say or even dealing with my issues at all. I was given the brush off at every opportunity. I can't believe I was actually treated so badly.

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Cambridge Exteriors

Cambridge Exteriors is a leading South Jersey contracting company based in Marlton, NJ. Specializing in, Roofing, Siding, Windows, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Additions, Decks and more. Call for your FREE Estimate...

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50 Egg Harbor Road - Building 5 Unit #15, Berlin, 08009


United States


Cambridge Exteriors is ranked 16 out of 24 in the category

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