Bes'Dam Soup Reviews

Bes'Dam Soup
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1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

22nd May 2017
Software glitches happen every day, upsetting a number of people. Generally, they’re the people who have the least money to spare. It puts you in a bind when the online service docks your credit card, makes a mistake, and then docks it again to rectify the mistake. This overdraws people or if they don’t notice it (which services hope for) it can really mess things up. Happened to me, so I contacted the service. They said they had only docked it once, but I sent them a screen shot of my bank statement. They refunded the money, but it should never have happened. I advised them to get the glitch fixed. I won’t use them again.

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Bes'Dam Soup is ranked 11 out of 30 in the category

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