BM Cleaning Services Reviews

BM Cleaning Services
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

18th May 2017
I was seriously disappointed the other day when I received what I anticipated would be an awesome service from their company. It was anything but. The staff were lacklustre, were far from helpful, and those I had the displeasure of dealing with just seemed like they didn’t give a ***** about their customers, or their own company for that matter. They were inefficient, incompetent and unreliable. I have never worked with a more unprofessional company in my entire life! I’m going to make a concerted effort to ensure people know about how poor this company really is.

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BM Cleaning Services

BM Cleaning Services is based in Edinburgh. Offers window cleaning, carpet cleaning, gutter, driveway and conservatory cleaning services.

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0131 660 1071

We live here

Dalhousie business park; Bonnyrigg; EH19 3HY, Bonnyrigg, EH19 3HY


United Kingdom


BM Cleaning Services is ranked 46 out of 52 in the category

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