Al Haq Travel Reviews

Al Haq Travel
Very Good
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6 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

13th Feb 2020
They just deceive you in Umrah Name. Pls verify before bookings etc.
17th Aug 2018
You like a family and cooperate at every step. I will definitely travel again with you. • Amazing experience, friendly drivers, they stayed in touch all the time. We are Happy with your services.
7th Aug 2018
Bilal booked the package we were looking for. A great family experience and fantastic Umrah tour.
11th Dec 2017
This was my first Umrah, and Alhamdulillah everything went really good, Alhaq travels really exceeded my expectations and I will book my next Umrah with them If Allah be willing.
21st Nov 2017
This is the second time I have used the services of ALHAQ TRAVEL. The first time was in 2016 when I performed Umrah in a group. At that time everything was made easy and the whole process was swift from start to finish. This time my experience was so good than the previous year. I went this year with 5 members. Package for my family was so cheap along five star services alhamdolillah, the hotels were amazing and very close to Medina Mosque and Mecca Kaaba. Transportation and transfers were so easy and everything went smooth. Alhamdulillah’s my family enjoyed it so much and would be going back in the future to perform next Hajj with them inshallah.
30th Oct 2017
I have returned from the Hajj tour last month. I am very happy that I have successfully performed my Hajj, Mashallah, all the credit goes to AL-HAQ Travel team and especially brother saad who booked my package. I do recommend to go with them and book umrah or Hajj with them for the great experience.

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Al Haq Travel

Get cheap Hajj and Umrah offers by AlHaq Travel to perform Hajj in 2019. We provide luxury facilities at cheapest rates. AlHaq cheapest Hajj and Umrah packages include 5 star hotels and convenient flights at lowest rates.

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Al Haq Travel is ranked 42 out of 165 in the category

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