S&Z Custom Concrete Llc Reviews

S&Z Custom Concrete Llc
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

7th Mar 2018
Mike you added more things when we quote you at 9000 and when you call me back to look at the project again there was more things you want it to be done and that's when the price when to 13500 yes you give 4000 start check and that was the only check it when thru the second 4000 check you wrote on 12-01-17 return to us as NSF check thats when we stop any additional work and we recorded a lien against the property my advice for any new sub contractor dont work with green cross construction home owners stay away from green cross construction llc we do still have the copy of the nsf check document to prove to anyone who breech a contract in first place

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+1 360-843-8032

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5305 river rd n ste b Keizer, Oregon, Keizer, Oregon, 5305


United States


S&Z Custom Concrete Llc is ranked 20 out of 21 in the category

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