Sneakers Outlets Store Reviews

Sneakers Outlets Store
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

11th Apr 2018
I ordered shoes from them in Feb here it is April and I still have yet to receive my shoes and they also won't give me a refund or a phone number to contact anyone from the company. Every time I ask they say please be patient.... 2 months isn't patients enough? .
6th Jun 2017
So I saw the site pop up on my facebook so decided to give it a shot. I've ordered shoes online from similar companies and had a good experience. Unfortunately this is not of those times. I ordered two pairs of shoes. A pair of Adidas running shoes and Under Armour training shoes. It took about two weeks to get them and they were not what I was expecting. The Adidas shoes were already bleeding a red dye on the white sole of the shoe. That was a bummer and then I ordered a size 12for the adidas and got a 11.5. The second pair of shoes weren't even the same shoes I ordered online. The same brand and color but they are basketball shoes. I don't play basketball. I contacted the company to let them know about the issues and even attached pictures. I requested a refund and they have been going back and forth with me for 3 days. Their response for the Adidas were that they "looked fine" and that the EUR size is correct so "I can put them to fit". The response for the UA shoes is that they ran out of the ones I had ordered so shipped out what they thought looked similar in style. Unfortunately they are a little more flashy than I prefer and the sole is for basketball. Not for training at a gym or running on a treadmill. Ultimately they have told me that they would fix the problem by giving me a "huge discount" on my next order. Why would I want to do business with them again. It's been a nightmare experience and I couldn't make it any clearer that I just want to return them. They just keep on avoiding answering the process of what I have to do in order to return them. Don't do business with this company but if you do make sure to go to church. I attached a couple of pictures to show you all what I sent them.

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