Royal Angus Hotel Birmingham Reviews

Royal Angus Hotel Birmingham
from 0 to 10
1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

3rd May 2017
I booked this hotel with booking,com at the end of February and the full amount of£170was taken out of my account. About 4 weeks later I had an email from to say that the booking had been cancelled. And was told that the hotel was closed. I emailed the hotel and eventually received an email to say that my money would be refunded within the next 3 to 5 days. Nearly 3 weeks latewr and still no refund and are still advertsing this hotel and the hotel website is still taking bookins. So be very careful before booking this hotel or parting with any money!!!!!!!!

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Royal Angus Hotel Birmingham

We’re located in the heart of Birmingham’s vibrant city centre and ideally placed to explore the wonderful second city.

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0121 289 5020

We live here

St Chads Queensway,; B4 6HY , Birmingham , B4 6HY


United Kingdom


Royal Angus Hotel Birmingham is ranked 109 out of 135 in the category

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