Nishkul Technologies Reviews

Nishkul Technologies
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

10th May 2017
When reviews say “worst service ever” and “I won’t return” without explanations, it makes one wonder what the chaps did wrong. Unfortunately, I found out one day when visiting a service I had hired. Important papers were misplaced, the totals were added wrong and the workers under so much pressure that they made things harder for themselves. The service was therefore substandard. I won’t return.

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Nishkul Technologies

Nishkul Technologies | Nishkul Techsupport is an independent technical support service provider for a large variety of third party products, brands and services.

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Nishkul Technologies is ranked 96 out of 149 in the category Computer Accessories

Nishkul Technologies is ranked 17 out of 27 in the category

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