Mail Support Helpline Number Reviews

Mail Support Helpline Number
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

16th Jun 2017
I’m still trying to figure out what I had a hard time with this company’s customer service department. I managed to get someone on the phone after calling three the company three times. The customer service agent could not answer any of my questions. I was shocked and extremely frustrated. The agent was not equipped to discuss my problem with the company’s service, and the agent had a bad attitude. I can’t believe that the agent was being impatient with me. I have decided not to do business with this company again.

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Mail Support Helpline Number

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760 Westerly Parkway, State College, PA; 16801, State Colleg, 16801


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Mail Support Helpline Number is ranked 133 out of 149 in the category Computer Accessories

Mail Support Helpline Number is ranked 65 out of 74 in the category

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