Providence Health & Services Washington Reviews

Providence Health & Services Washington
from 0 to 10
1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

14th Jun 2017
My husband is a heart patient. He was given orders from our primary care to get a procedure done. She called ahead and told us we were wrong and the doctor should of planned it better. I'm sorry emergency is an emergency. Give the care your suppose to give. Then they had he nerve to ask if he would have any drugs in his system and asked if we could effort payment. We have medical. Id rather die try to go somewhere else than this prejudice rude under staffed hospital.

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Providence Health & Services Washington

Providence Health & Services is one of the largest health care providers in Washington. Our not-for-profit network includes hospitals, physicians, clinics, care centers, hospice and home health programs, and diverse community services across Washington state.

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(360) 491-9480

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Office of Legal Affairs 1801 Lind Avenue SW Renton, WA 98057-9016, Renton, WA, 98057-9016


United States


Providence Health & Services Washington is ranked 56 out of 58 in the category

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