Champ Sharpei Reviews

Champ Sharpei
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

15th Jul 2017
I had a similar experience i saw the above review after i contacted champ sharpei about the same dog Rosa. I only had email contact with these people. I asked about the above review after i read it. Then asked if they could verify that they in fact had thus puppy. Also requested pictures of the parent dogs. The email mail i received in return had no answers. They emailed and stated they would sent paperwork for me to sign. Then nothing i tracked the phone number which was not in the state they claim and internet address is out of holland and a company out of washington there was no way to verify who these people are. Thank ***** my husband made me check or i would have been out $800
9th May 2017
This is a scam!!!!! Do not use this website!!!!! They are horrible! And play on people's emotions and use it against them!!!! These people tried to steal and scam us and I just recently became a breast cancer survivor and my fiancé became a miracle and relearned how to walk and talk again after being hit as a pedestrian coming off his job site!!! All we wanted was to give a forever home to a precious puppy that stole our hearts when we saw her and make our family complete! We are unable to have children and have 2 boy shar pei's and wanted a girl and have searched and waited for 10 months til we found Rosa! Well what we thought was Rosa! Luckily I got a hold money gram in time to get my money back but are hearts are broken that our precious new baby puppy Rosa didn't exist!!! When her flight never showed up with our puppy and they never answered the phone text or emails!!!!!Stay away!!!!!!!
FRAUD!!!!! FRAUD!!!!!

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Champ Sharpei

We are a small breeder of Chinese Shar Pei,Our dogs are raised and regarded as family members first, in our home,  not in a kennel environment.

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Champ Sharpei is ranked 40 out of 45 in the category

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