Fletchers Rod and Restoration Reviews

Fletchers Rod and Restoration
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

15th Jun 2017
DON'T DO IT! DON'T DO IT! FAIR WARNING! I drove my 67 to the shop for an engine swap it was one thing after another after the engine was put in I was told that the transmission went out because of the hp so I believed it the transmission was rebuilt 2 times and still wasn't correct so I was told I had to buy a new transmission so I did I was charged labor for pulling the transmission 3 times when it wasn't my fault the transmission wasn't right well after 2 and a half months I was told I could pick up my car upon arriving my steering column was loose you could grab and shake it it wasn't like that when I drove it their I was told they had to bend several parts to make them work that isn't right. So I get in start it up try to put it into gear and it goes no where they climb under the car and fix the shifter, finally fixed I put it into gear and it died, I was then told I had bad gas they would follow me to put gas in while driving it would barley climb a hill going 35 and at a stop I would have to hold the brake and give it gas just to keep it running on the way home it turns out it wasn't BAD GAS it stalls at stops and you can floor it and it won't pick up speed but lose speed on hills and sputters and surges on normal road. Drove from Magazine to Greenwood and had to replace a hose going to the fuel because it was leaking everywhere. The radiator now leaks. Its out of time and the carburetor needs to be adjusted. The fuel filter and air filter, so dirty. Forget about receipts, you get a piece of paper with how much you owe and a their name at the top, no description of anything. I called and get excuse after excuse about how it's my steering column causing my engine problems everything on it is new 8,000$ later and I have a lemon motor and a horrible barley idling non drivable vehicle. This is only what I'm putting in here there's still more issues we're running into as we go because we've only had it back a day.--I copied this from a review we put on their Facebook page. I just don't want anyone to be burned the same way. We all work hard for all the small pleasures we have in life. Don't let someone take it way.

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Fletchers Rod and Restoration

Fletchers rod and restoration - 3235 six mile rd, Magazine, Arkansas 72943 - Rated 3 based on 2 Reviews "Living on the highway near Fletchers rod and...

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3235 six mile rd 72943 Magazine, Arkansas, Magazine, Arkansas, 72943


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Fletchers Rod and Restoration is ranked 41 out of 45 in the category

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